Year 6

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 – a very special class! As the oldest children in the school, we undertake a wide variety of important roles and with this comes a strong sense of responsibility. We are proud to take on the positions of Head and Deputy Head Girl and Boy and Key Stage/ Early Years buddies. We also help with the running of the school by preparing for assemblies, break times, lunch times, organising fruit and milk, and our most challenging task, keeping certain staff members organised, tidy and on time…

In addition to our extra responsibilities, we have a very high workload as we strive to ensure we have a sound understanding of everything we have been taught over KS2 and prepare for the curriculum expectations in Secondary School. Although this can be very challenging, the sense of achievement as we move through the year is amazing and very rewarding.

We will be working hard to prepare for the our Key Stage 2 assessments and can’t overestimate the value of support at home.  Although we are now very familiar with the assessment framework, we are, as ever, expecting some changes and ‘improvements’ to the tests this year.  We will have a meeting nearer the time to discuss this, but as a guide to what we can expect, Michael Tidd, a deputy headteacher from Nottingham, has made a video to clarify what is likely to be happening in the summer term and you can find it here: KS2 assessments – what will they be like and how can I help?
We also have many exciting activities to look forward to with things that keep us focused right up until our last days in Primary School. This year we will have three residential opportunities and trips to help support our learning, and make the last year in Primary School the best yet! These include an overnight stay at school at the start of the year, developing our outdoor learning activities, leadership and teamwork, as well as a one night stop in Liverpool to find out more about our topics on the Titanic, Victorian Britain and Britain since the 1950s.  We will also be continuing our popular and successful outdoor adventurous residential to Hawse End.
However, above all these activities and expectations, we are proud role models for the rest of the school and want to help everyone have as good a time here as we have.

Chromebooks are used in all of our subjects, where suitable, which uses an individual user email. We will be developing our use of connecting and collaborative technologies to support our learning and will keep you updated with them as we go.  We are also planning on updating our video on the school (see below) to allow for the many developments the school has seen – watch this space!


Year 6 Staff

Mrs J Waller - Year 6

Mrs Waller is a supply teacher and supports learning in school.

Mrs K Greenbank - Year 6

Mrs Greenbank Profile Mrs Greenbank is a parent as well as a member of staff. She is currently training as a Level 3 Teaching Assistant.

Mrs G Gladwinfield, BA (Hons) - Year 6

I’ve worked at St Mary’s for the past ten years and have had the privilege of working in all key stages. I have a real love of reading, especially children’s books, and enjoy helping children of all ranges to enjoy and appreciate books themselves. Both my children attended St Mary’s and loved the experience. One […]

Mr D Bromley BA Ed (Hons) - Year 6

Mr Bromley Profile Having grown up in Kentmere and Ings, I returned to Cumbria after 10 years living and working in and around the Greater Manchester area.  Although I thoroughly enjoyed living ‘down south’ and gained valuable experiences in different classroom environments, I am glad to be back and able to indulge in my outdoor […]

Latest News

Jamie Knight – Health and Well-Being Day

We have arranged for Jamie Knight to join us on March 26th as  part of our Health and Well Being Day.  This day will be full of a series of exciting workshops. One of the workshops will be led by Jamie Knight, well known Freestyle Footballer. He has worked with several top footballers, starred on […]

World Book Day

What a wonderful day to celebrate books. Three of our classes have been to Kirkby Lonsdale Library today, some children replacing their library books. We have dressed up as our favourite characters and we have been exploring books all day.  From Nursery to Year 6, we have been have a great day. Thank you for […]

South Lakes Pupil Parliament

Our Year 6 School Councillors represented St Mary’s School at the SLPP recently. They joined the various schools in the Milnthorpe Cluster of Schools at the Netherwood Hotel for a superb day. The children learned how to communicate with inspirational visitors, Adrian and Lauren from ( and were taught by Rachel Dodgson from Parliament Education […]

Cross Country – County Finals

We had a great representation at the County Finals, with four of our children representing school.  Congratulations to all of the children Jack, Isaac, Joseph and Anna who qualified. (Well done to Freddie for qualifying but sadly he was unwell on the day). It is so exciting to be able to send four pupils to […]

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentines Day to you all. We have been sharing all of the things we love in our lives as part of our reflections this week. Why not make sure you take time to think of all of the things and people you love. Happy Valentines Day.

Spelling Bee

Well done to everyone who took part in the Spelling Bee – there were some exceptional hard words by the end of the Spelling Bee.  

Lego League Competition

Recently, some of the older children attended the South Cumbria First Lego League competition in Barrow in Furness. There were 17 teams taking part and this was our school’s first year competing. The children have been working towards this for several weeks, after school and at lunchtimes. They had to deliver a presentation about an innovative […]

Nativity and Carol Concert

Thank you to everyone who attended our nativity and carol concerts at St Mary’s Church this year. Once again, the children were fantastic with their singing and acting and really helped create a wonderful atmosphere. The video contains some (slightly blurry – low light and low cameraman skills to blame!) photos of all the classes […]

Elf Run 2019

We had an amazing, if slightly boggy, time raising money for St John’t Hospice with our second annual Elf Run. Everyone, from Nursery to Year 6 got their elf hats on and set off around our course with great enthusiasm. Whilst some socks and shoes may have been temporarily lost to the well placed boggy […]

Pupil Parliament Visit

Representatives from our Year 5 and 6 School Council represented school at the South Lakes Pupil Parliament recently. They had a very exciting day and learned so much about the general election, voting, the role of an M.P. and debated important issues.  

Reading List

By Louis Sachar

City of Ember
By Jeanne DuPrau

Mystery on the London Eye
By Siobhan Dowd

Street Child
By Berlie Doherty

The Borrowers
By Mary Norton

Year 6 Calender Events

Year 6 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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