Year 6

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 – a very special class! As the oldest children in the school, we undertake a wide variety of important roles and with this comes a strong sense of responsibility. We are proud to take on the positions of Head and Deputy Head Girl and Boy and Key Stage/ Early Years buddies. We also help with the running of the school by preparing for assemblies, break times, lunch times, organising fruit and milk, and our most challenging task, keeping certain staff members organised, tidy and on time…

In addition to our extra responsibilities, we have a very high workload as we strive to ensure we have a sound understanding of everything we have been taught over KS2 and prepare for the curriculum expectations in Secondary School. Although this can be very challenging, the sense of achievement as we move through the year is amazing and very rewarding.

We will be working hard to prepare for the our Key Stage 2 assessments and can’t overestimate the value of support at home.  Although we are now very familiar with the assessment framework, we are, as ever, expecting some changes and ‘improvements’ to the tests this year.  We will have a meeting nearer the time to discuss this, but as a guide to what we can expect, Michael Tidd, a deputy headteacher from Nottingham, has made a video to clarify what is likely to be happening in the summer term and you can find it here: KS2 assessments – what will they be like and how can I help?
We also have many exciting activities to look forward to with things that keep us focused right up until our last days in Primary School. This year we will have three residential opportunities and trips to help support our learning, and make the last year in Primary School the best yet! These include an overnight stay at school at the start of the year, developing our outdoor learning activities, leadership and teamwork, as well as a one night stop in Liverpool to find out more about our topics on the Titanic, Victorian Britain and Britain since the 1950s.  We will also be continuing our popular and successful outdoor adventurous residential to Hawse End.
However, above all these activities and expectations, we are proud role models for the rest of the school and want to help everyone have as good a time here as we have.

Chromebooks are used in all of our subjects, where suitable, which uses an individual user email. We will be developing our use of connecting and collaborative technologies to support our learning and will keep you updated with them as we go.  We are also planning on updating our video on the school (see below) to allow for the many developments the school has seen – watch this space!


Year 6 Staff

Mr O Fitzsimons - Year 6

Mr Fitzsimons is a qualified Sports Coach and leads our Football Club and also works as a teaching assistant in different classes in school. Mr Fitzsimons trained at Lancaster and Morecambe College, has played football at Morecambe Academy and plays and coaches with Endmoor Football Club.    

Mr D Yates BSc. (Hons) PGCE - Year 6

Mr Yates Profile Prior to working at St Mary’s I was riding my bike around South America immersing my self in the different cultures and environments. I have previously worked in Vietnam as a year 4 class teacher in the international circuit which was a fantastic experience. Out side of the classroom I can usually […]

Mrs G Gladwinfield, BA (Hons) - Year 6

I’ve worked at St Mary’s for the past ten years and have had the privilege of working in all key stages. I have a real love of reading, especially children’s books, and enjoy helping children of all ranges to enjoy and appreciate books themselves. Both my children attended St Mary’s and loved the experience. One […]

Latest News

Ben Greenep Cross Country Race

We will be hosting our annual Juniors cross country race on Thursday.  Please be prepared with kit and footwear and a determination to race for your house!

Year 6 London trip – day 1

Year 6 have made the (slightly delayed) trip to London today and have had an amazing first day.  We’ve experienced the hustle and bustle of Marleybone High Street; Selfridge’s at Christmas; taken part in a huge range of scientific experiments, including explosions and a massive Tesla coil at the Science Museum; seen the red carpet and […]

Year 6 London trip

Year 6 have made the (slightly delayed) journey down to the capital city today and  have had an amazing first day.  We’ve experienced the hustle and bustle of Marylebone High Street, Selfridges  at Christmas, a huge range of scientific experiments in Wonderlab at the science museum, the fashion awards red carpet at the Royal Albert […]

Programming computers with Year 6

Year 6 children have very kindly helped our Year 1 children to programme computers using Scratch. They have been able to create moving images. Year 6 are brilliant teachers!

London Art

As we prepare for our trip to London, we are starting to look at the different land marks we are going to see and comparing them with other landmarks around the world.  We’ve also used our art skills to create different representations of the buildings, focusing on the detail and structures themselves, and the city […]

Year 6 computing

After five weeks of MSW Logo work, we have managed to  create some amazing images, similar to the spirograph images of days gone by, using multi-program programs, repeating commands, geometry knowledge and artistic flair! The final creations will be up on display, giving inspiration to children and staff alike… MSW Logo is a free program that starts […]

Inter-house hockey tournament

After six weeks of hockey training with Danny, Year 5 and 6 held an inter-house group hockey tournament to test out their new skills.  The standard of play was excellent and we are very much looking forward to our inter-school competitions over the next couple of terms. Congratulations to Howgill who were the overall winners.

Suggested books for Year 6 children.

Here are a few ideas for books that children in Year 6 might like to read.  If they do enjoy a particular book, try looking at other books from the same author. This page has a lot of enjoyable books, some that you might recognise and some new authors.   Although this is based […]

European Languages Day

Our children have had a wonderful day exploring different languages and countries. They have learned where countries are in the world. The languages spoken in that country as well as the capital cities.  They have explored activities to celebrate that country as well as dress up in the colours of the country. In school we […]

Comic Art Festival – Please Vote

Our children have been hard at work preparing for their contribution to the Comic Arts Festival. Mrs Day has been working on presenting the children’s work which is displayed at Highgate’s Vets in Kendal. Please go and have a look at the fantastic window display!  Very well done to our Year 1 children.  It would […]

Reading List

By Louis Sachar

City of Ember
By Jeanne DuPrau

Mystery on the London Eye
By Siobhan Dowd

Street Child
By Berlie Doherty

The Borrowers
By Mary Norton

Year 6 Calender Events

Year 6 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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