Year 5

Year 5

Year 5 is a wonderful year to watch the children achieve great success. The curriculum is varied, creative and yet increasingly demanding. New skills are taught and we improve one’s already acquired. Homework builds up, and children are expected to become more independent in their learning. That all being said, the topics are inviting and, hopefully inspiring to all pupils.

We find that pupils rise to the challenge as they are heavily praised and celebrated for their efforts, everyone is treated individually and encouraged to reach their full potential. Any children who are showing to have educational difficulties are supported, and where possible intervention put into place. Our higher achievers are recognised and expected to strive for the stars. Pastoral care in Year 5 is important as hormones can be starting to surface! We ensure that a good relationship is built with parents and children are supported through times of need. Plenty of time is given to personal, social and cultural learning about themselves and others.

Year 5 Staff

Mrs N Fawcett - Year 5

Mrs Fawcett works in Year 5 and brings a lot of experience working in local schools.

Mrs K Greenbank - Year 5

Mrs Greenbank Profile Mrs Greenbank is a parent as well as a member of staff. She is currently training as a Level 3 Teaching Assistant.

Mrs L Gates BA (Hons) PGCE - Year 5

Mrs Gates Profile Mrs Gates is a language specialist, having studied Russian and Slavonic Studies at Leeds. She is an experienced teacher who also support tutoring in school. Mrs Gates is Subject Lead for French.

Mrs Thomas BA(Hons) PGCE TESOL - Year 5

Mrs Thomas Profile After school, I studied Art followed by English and History at university and worked in a variety of settings before moving to Dubai with my husband’s job. We ended up staying for 17 years and our two children grew up there. I taught English Language before moving into Primary Education and subsequently […]

Mrs F Potts - Year 5

Mrs Potts works to support children with specific needs within the class, delivering a range of interventions.

Latest News

Snow fun

We had half an hour of snow fun this morning before returning to the normal timetable of lessons! What a super day for enjoying the snow at lunchtime.

Fairtrade Coffee and Tea Time

Please help us during Fairtrade fortnight with our Coffee time on Tuesday Feb 27th. Traidcraft products will be on sale and we have a catalogue if you want to order products in advance. Please join us at the end of the school day in Year 3 classroom. There will be Traidcraft products to buy  or come […]

Outdoor Learning Days 4th-5th Jan

Happy New Year On Thursday 4th and Friday 5th we are having two days of outdoor learning for the whole school. These are non uniform days and we hope our children will arrive in school equipped for any weather conditions.

Michaelmas Concert

Well done to all of our children who took part in the school concert at the end of term. We had a wonderful array of instruments played by a large amount of children from Year 2 to Year 6.  Our choir also sang two songs with superb harmonies.  Congratulations to all involved.


Jack and Daisy, our head boy and girl took part in the Remembrance service held at St Mary’s Church. Many thanks for their contribution to this very important service of remembrance.

Year 6 Book List

We’ve had a lot of people asking about the best books for children to read in Year 5 and 6.  To try and find out, we have spent a bit of time scouring other schools, the wonders of the internet and our own thoughts to come up with a list.  I’ve attached 5 files that […]

Kings Food Bank – Harvest Delivery

Our children have helped fill a Volvo estate full of food kindly donated by our children as part of our Harvest giving.  We are really trying to express our value of responsibility in as many practical ways as possible. This year we wanted to provide a bumper delivery of food although we support throughout the food bank […]

Sunshine At The County Show!

For the first time in many years, the weather has been perfect for the county show. The school stand in the Learning For Life tent looked fantastic, the mini beast theme was a huge success. Year 4 and 5 have had a great day, enjoying all there was to offer. We have even been in […]

Year 5 Netball

Year 5 enjoyed the sunshine this afternoon. They are learning to play netball for our inter-house competition at the end of half term. For homework they even found out about all the rules and positions, which helped them today. Competitive sport is a big part of life at St. Mary’s and we strive to develop […]

Westmorland Show 14th Sept

Advanced notice – Year 4 and 5 will be attending the Westmorland Show on Sept 14th with Mrs Smith and Mrs Day. This annual event is a superb opportunity to explore our Cumbria traditions.  

Reading List

By Roald Dahl

Jungle Book
By Rudyard Kipling

Year 5 Calender Events

Year 5 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 5 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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