Year 4

Year 4

Mrs Arnold and Miss Broome are our teachers, and they are supported by Miss Kinghorn, Mrs Mitton and Mr Fitzsimons.  Year 4 is a fantastic year when we are really settling in to life in KS2 (Juniors!). We have a lot of fun and throw ourselves into learning with a ‘can do’ attitude.  During the year we go on a number of exciting trips, including  Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life and a field trip exploring local rivers.

Year 4 Staff

Mr O Fitzsimons - Year 4

Mr Fitzsimons is a qualified Sports Coach and leads our Football Club and also works as a teaching assistant in different classes in school. Mr Fitzsimons trained at Lancaster and Morecambe College, has played football at Morecambe Academy and plays and coaches with Endmoor Football Club.    

Mrs R Hoban - Year 4

Mrs Hoban Supports our children in various classes throughout school.

Miss J Broome BA (Hons) QTS MA - Year 4

Miss Broome is our Y4 teacher along with Mrs Arnold and teaches in Reception Class.

Miss K Kinghorn - Year 4

Miss Kinghorn is a teaching assistant supporting various children and classes and also works in our After School Club.

Mrs R Arnold BA (Hons) PGCE - Year 4

Mrs Arnold Profile Mrs Arnold is a History Specialist and Class Teacher for Y4.

Latest News

Army Training for Year 4

Regimental Sergeant Major Jack Wadsworth, visited Year 4 to make sure the army recruits were up to scratch. The children listened to their orders and became a disciplined force ready to go to war at any moment. They learnt how to march up and down the playground and turn in different directions. There was lots […]

Year 4 rugby

Year 4 went to Casterton to play in a tag rugby festival for the under 9’s. Amazingly they won all six of their matches. They didn’t let one try  in from their opposing teams. They were also great sportsmen and ambassadors for St Marys, as they shook everyone’s hand and led the cheers for their […]


Jack and Daisy, our head boy and girl took part in the Remembrance service held at St Mary’s Church. Many thanks for their contribution to this very important service of remembrance.

Bright Sparks Electricity Day

Year 4 really enjoyed a whole day devoted to exploring electricity. Fran, from C-STEM, delivered an entertaining and interesting day and we all learnt a lot. We became electrical engineers, building different kinds of circuit using wire, batteries, bulbs and switches. We tested materials to see if they were insulators or conductors of electricity. We […]

Kings Food Bank – Harvest Delivery

Our children have helped fill a Volvo estate full of food kindly donated by our children as part of our Harvest giving.  We are really trying to express our value of responsibility in as many practical ways as possible. This year we wanted to provide a bumper delivery of food although we support throughout the food bank […]

Comic Art Festival

Year 4 are once again taking part in the Comic Art Festival in Kendal. We have produced a display of Moomins for Oxfam. If you’re in Kendal please take a tour around all the displays…..and then vote for St Mary’s!

Home Projects Day

In Year 4 we have been studying the Maya of Central America. They lived approximately a thousand years ago. For our home projects we explored the invention of chocolate; their number system and the construction of their amazing temples. These were often splattered with blood from their human sacrifices! Some children made Power Point Presentations […]

European Languages Day

Year 4 studied Sweden. We looked at the history of Sweden and studied the Vikings. Some of our Vikings went on a rampage! We baked ginger biscuits; listened to the music of Abba and created a dance; we made small rooms inspired by IKEA and made detailed drawings of Viking long boats. We had a […]

Rugby with Danny

Year 4 are really enjoying our rugby training with Danny. We are practising throwing and catching and we know when we’re off-side! It does seem to rain every time we go out though!

Sunshine At The County Show!

For the first time in many years, the weather has been perfect for the county show. The school stand in the Learning For Life tent looked fantastic, the mini beast theme was a huge success. Year 4 and 5 have had a great day, enjoying all there was to offer. We have even been in […]

Reading List

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
By Roald Dahl

Year 4 Calender Events

Year 4 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 4 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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