Year 4

Year 4

Mrs Arnold and Miss Broome are our teachers, and they are supported by Miss Kinghorn, Mrs Mitton and Mr Fitzsimons.  Year 4 is a fantastic year when we are really settling in to life in KS2 (Juniors!). We have a lot of fun and throw ourselves into learning with a ‘can do’ attitude.  During the year we go on a number of exciting trips, including  Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life and a field trip exploring local rivers.

Year 4 Staff

Mr O Fitzsimons - Year 4

Mr Fitzsimons is a qualified Sports Coach and leads our Football Club and also works as a teaching assistant in different classes in school. Mr Fitzsimons trained at Lancaster and Morecambe College, has played football at Morecambe Academy and plays and coaches with Endmoor Football Club.    

Mrs R Hoban - Year 4

Mrs Hoban Supports our children in various classes throughout school.

Miss J Broome BA (Hons) QTS MA - Year 4

Miss Broome is our Y4 teacher along with Mrs Arnold and teaches in Reception Class.

Miss K Kinghorn - Year 4

Miss Kinghorn is a teaching assistant supporting various children and classes and also works in our After School Club.

Mrs R Arnold BA (Hons) PGCE - Year 4

Mrs Arnold Profile Mrs Arnold is a History Specialist and Class Teacher for Y4.

Latest News

Spelling Bee Fun

We have had some fun in our Class Spelling Bee Challenges.  Our whole purpose is to provide a fun opportunity to learn spellings. It is so motivating for children to know they are making progress in their spelling.  It is very special to see our children feeling more confident as they improve their spellings and […]

Ben Greenep Winter Run

We were very fortunate to have a dry and warm day despite the ground being soft.  The Ben Greenep Winter Run went well with the children representing their house and running for individual medals in each class.  There was a superb atmosphere and the children even asked to  have a little fun run at the end.  […]

Throwback Photos of previous Ben Greenep Winter Runs

Here are a few photos of past inter house winter run events. The race was named after the winner of the first ever run. We have developed the run since to an annual winter run. Each member of the junior classes represents their house as well as there being event winners for boys and girls […]

Dance with Miss Holly in Year 3 and 4

Thanks to the fabulous fund raising efforts of our PTA, Year 3 and 4 are thoroughly enjoying dance and fitness classes with Miss Holly. The classes will run for six weeks. The children are learning a dance routine that they’ll perform for the whole school. They are becoming much more flexible and strong and are […]

We are exploring ‘Inspiring Women’ this term

This term we will be exploring a whole range of inspiring women from Jane Austin, Frida Kahlo, Marie Chiver, Rosa Parks and many other women who we believe will inspire all of our children.  We are exploring their endeavours and seeing how we can learn from them in our own lives in 2019 and beyond.

Welcome back to school . . .

We are pleased to be back at school to welcome our children for the start of Lent term

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of our school family. We welcome our new children starting in January and look forward to seeing them. Our Lent  term starts on Monday 7th January.

Happy Christmas

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas from the children of St Mary’s School.

Carol Service

What a beautiful candle lit service which took place at St Mary’s Church. Thank you to everyone who made the evening special. Thank you for supporting Mary’s Meals too.

Cross Country Club

Our children are continuing to build up their cross country skills on Fridays. Hopefully the children will get a few runs in over the Christmas break.

Reading List

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
By Roald Dahl

Year 4 Calender Events

Year 4 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 4 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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