Year 4

Year 4

Mrs Arnold and Miss Broome are our teachers, and they are supported by Miss Kinghorn, Mrs Mitton and Mr Fitzsimons.  Year 4 is a fantastic year when we are really settling in to life in KS2 (Juniors!). We have a lot of fun and throw ourselves into learning with a ‘can do’ attitude.  During the year we go on a number of exciting trips, including  Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life and a field trip exploring local rivers.

Year 4 Staff

Mr O Fitzsimons - Year 4

Mr Fitzsimons is a qualified Sports Coach and leads our Football Club and also works as a teaching assistant in different classes in school. Mr Fitzsimons trained at Lancaster and Morecambe College, has played football at Morecambe Academy and plays and coaches with Endmoor Football Club.    

Mrs R Hoban - Year 4

Mrs Hoban Supports our children in various classes throughout school.

Miss J Broome BA (Hons) QTS MA - Year 4

Miss Broome is our Y4 teacher along with Mrs Arnold and teaches in Reception Class.

Miss K Kinghorn - Year 4

Miss Kinghorn is a teaching assistant supporting various children and classes and also works in our After School Club.

Mrs R Arnold BA (Hons) PGCE - Year 4

Mrs Arnold Profile Mrs Arnold is a History Specialist and Class Teacher for Y4.

Latest News

Bird watching scientists

Some of the ‘Girl’s Science Club’ members have been enjoying identifying the birds that have moved in to the nest boxes around school. We put them up last week and they have been quickly resided in! Thank you to the parents that donated them; they will provide hours of entertainment! We look forward to watching […]

Science Week Success

Science Week 2017 has been a massive success; lots of learning and fun have been had by all! The opening ceremony was made spectacular  by the wonderful outfits the children wore. Being dressed as scientists and explorers really got them in the mood. Each class got a box of resources to introduce their topic for […]

Fairtrade Fortnight Big Brew

We have been celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight by holding a big brew, we made cups and coffees for our visitors and Year 6 pupils helped sell fairly traded products. In worship time we looked at the trade of cocoa and bananas and encouraged children to discuss issues  relating to fair trade with adults at home. Thank […]

Girl’s Science Club News!

KS2 girls have had the opportunity to sign up to an exciting new club at St Mary’s. It is aiming to stimulate enquiring minds and give girls the opportunity to participate in experiments and gain knowledge to aid the learning in class. Today the girls carried out some chemical reaction experiments and made a lovely […]

Follow us on Twitter

Here is another opportunity to follow the exciting world that is St Mary’s CE School. We are launching our twitter account this week. Why not follow everything we are doing!  

Inter house Cross Country

Follow this link for a selection of photos of the event. Here Here are a small selection of photos of the event. Well done to everyone of the junior children who took part in the event.

Inter-house Cross Country

Well done to everyone who made such a great effort in our inter house cross country.  Ingleborough won overall on this cloudy but dry day. The ground was soft resulting in muddy conditions.  Well done to all of the children who made such a significant effort to run for their house. Below are the winners […]

School Council Spend £2000

School Council have been debating this week about improvements to our school. We have agreed to spend £2000 on improving the infant play area.  We will be buying two new houses for the playground. School council will also be launching a competition to design a logo for the school council and take part in the South […]

Ben Greenep Cross Country Race

We will be hosting our annual Juniors cross country race on Thursday.  Please be prepared with kit and footwear and a determination to race for your house!

Inter House Netball

Year 3 and 4 have held our inter-house netball tournament on a wonderful Autumnal, sunny afternoon! Congratulations to Middleton House – Winners of the tournament this year!   

Reading List

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
By Roald Dahl

Year 4 Calender Events

Year 4 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 4 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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