Year 3

Year 3

Mr Bromley is our teacher this year and he is supported by Mrs Day, Mrs Swallow, and Mrs Hoban – with the odd guest appearance from Mrs Mitton and Miss Kinghorn. Year 3 is a very exciting year as the children make the transition from KS1 to KS2. They are encouraged to become more independent both in themselves and their learning.
In normal times, we learn to play a recorder to a very good standard and read music – a life skill! Our topics are very varied and interesting including the Rainforest, Romans, Countries on the Meridian, Volcanoes and much more. This is a busy year, but we have lots of fun on the way!

Spellings are handed out on Tuesdays and tested on the following Tuesday. We work on different aspects of the spellings all week and the children should be able to explain the spelling rule or pattern.
As in Key Stage 1, children will have access to Times Table Rockstars and Doodle Maths, which, along with reading, should be done wherever possible throughout the week. We always make sure the children are able to get on to these apps during our first few days in school and their passwords will be in their planners, should you need them. This forms the basis of our homework, initially, although other work may come home at the end of a week. Full details will be in the children’s planners and on the Google Classroom, under Homework.

We discuss world news events every Monday morning so any opportunity for the children to follow news events through newspapers, Newsround or any other news outlet you prefer to use would be most helpful. As a rough guide, we will be focusing on good news stories and world events, which will allow us to build our geographical understanding of the world.

We are beginning to use Google Classroom as a learning tool both when we are in school and for homework. We use Google Classroom in all years, but especially in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 and it is incredibly useful when sharing information, working collaboratively and developing independent editing skills. The children all have log in details, but will need a bit of help to log in at home. If this causes any problems, please do get in touch and we will be happy to help.  As the children become more confident and independent with this technology, they are able to use it to work together and support each other in all subjects of the curriculum. It really is rather useful!

Year 3 Staff

Mrs R Hoban - Year 3

Mrs Hoban Supports our children in various classes throughout school.

Mrs K Swallow - Year 3

Mrs Swallow is a very experienced and qualified teacher, currently supporting in Year 3.

Mrs S Mitton BA - Year 3

Mrs Mitton Profile I am married to Steve and have two children, Ellie and Isaac. In my spare time I love being outdoors and enjoy mountain biking, running and skiing. I love working with children as no two days are ever the same and you get to see the children grow and develop.

Mrs A Day, BA (Hons) PGCE - Year 3

Mrs Day Profile I have been teaching for over twenty years, many of them at St Mary’s. I love teaching here as it’s a very special school with great children and staff. I have taught in most classes in the school but in all of them I love to read stories and to watch the […]

Mr D Bromley BA Ed (Hons) - Year 3

Mr Bromley Profile Having grown up in Kentmere and Ings, I returned to Cumbria after 10 years living and working in and around the Greater Manchester area.  Although I thoroughly enjoyed living ‘down south’ and gained valuable experiences in different classroom environments, I am glad to be back and able to indulge in my outdoor […]

Latest News

Fairtrade Coffee and Tea Time

Please help us during Fairtrade fortnight with our Coffee time on Tuesday Feb 27th. Traidcraft products will be on sale and we have a catalogue if you want to order products in advance. Please join us at the end of the school day in Year 3 classroom. There will be Traidcraft products to buy  or come […]

Half way!

We’re almost half way through our Spring 1 half term already! We’ve been super busy beginning our Kirkby Lonsdale topic. Last week we had a walk round town in the cold looking at local landmarks and buildings, and spotting dates that buildings were made.   This week we have been using local maps and looking […]

Outdoor Fun

Happy New Year ! Our first two days back were enormous fun: The children prepared and cooked their own food on a fire on Thursday and had a crafty day on Friday making dream catchers, bird feeders and doing bark rubbings in an attempt to identify trees in winter. We look forward to more outdoor learning this […]

Outdoor Learning Days 4th-5th Jan

Happy New Year On Thursday 4th and Friday 5th we are having two days of outdoor learning for the whole school. These are non uniform days and we hope our children will arrive in school equipped for any weather conditions.

Michaelmas Concert

Well done to all of our children who took part in the school concert at the end of term. We had a wonderful array of instruments played by a large amount of children from Year 2 to Year 6.  Our choir also sang two songs with superb harmonies.  Congratulations to all involved.


Jack and Daisy, our head boy and girl took part in the Remembrance service held at St Mary’s Church. Many thanks for their contribution to this very important service of remembrance.

First week back!

We have been straight back to it! What hard work we’ve been doing! In English this week, we have been looking at non-chronological reports based on Harry Potter – which is our new class book for this half term (once we finished Running Wild on Monday and Tuesday!) In Maths we are focusing on using […]

Rainforest dioramas

The children worked really hard and I must say, with enormous enthusiasm to finish their dioramas this week. They demonstrated how well they can work in a team, as well as their knowledge of the different layers of the rainforest. Well done Year 3. On a different note – just a reminder that no homework was set […]

Half term is here

Half term is already upon us and we have really enjoyed our last week at school before the break! Our final week meant lots of finishing off ready for the new half term on the 30th October, and we are really happy to show you our completed rainforest dioramas that we did with Mrs Thomas […]

Kings Food Bank – Harvest Delivery

Our children have helped fill a Volvo estate full of food kindly donated by our children as part of our Harvest giving.  We are really trying to express our value of responsibility in as many practical ways as possible. This year we wanted to provide a bumper delivery of food although we support throughout the food bank […]

Reading List

The Thieves of Ostia
By Carloine Lawrence

Stone Age Boy
By Satoshi Kitamora

The Girl Who Rowed the Ocean
By Alastair Humphreys

The Boy Who Biked The World
By Alastair Humphreys

Escape from Pompeii

The Firework Maker’s Daughter

The Great Kapok Tree
By Lynne Cherry

Year 3 Calender Events

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Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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