Year 3
Mr Bromley is our teacher this year and he is supported by Mrs Day, Mrs Swallow, and Mrs Hoban – with the odd guest appearance from Mrs Mitton and Miss Kinghorn. Year 3 is a very exciting year as the children make the transition from KS1 to KS2. They are encouraged to become more independent both in themselves and their learning.
In normal times, we learn to play a recorder to a very good standard and read music – a life skill! Our topics are very varied and interesting including the Rainforest, Romans, Countries on the Meridian, Volcanoes and much more. This is a busy year, but we have lots of fun on the way!
Spellings are handed out on Tuesdays and tested on the following Tuesday. We work on different aspects of the spellings all week and the children should be able to explain the spelling rule or pattern.
As in Key Stage 1, children will have access to Times Table Rockstars and Doodle Maths, which, along with reading, should be done wherever possible throughout the week. We always make sure the children are able to get on to these apps during our first few days in school and their passwords will be in their planners, should you need them. This forms the basis of our homework, initially, although other work may come home at the end of a week. Full details will be in the children’s planners and on the Google Classroom, under Homework.
We discuss world news events every Monday morning so any opportunity for the children to follow news events through newspapers, Newsround or any other news outlet you prefer to use would be most helpful. As a rough guide, we will be focusing on good news stories and world events, which will allow us to build our geographical understanding of the world.
We are beginning to use Google Classroom as a learning tool both when we are in school and for homework. We use Google Classroom in all years, but especially in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 and it is incredibly useful when sharing information, working collaboratively and developing independent editing skills. The children all have log in details, but will need a bit of help to log in at home. If this causes any problems, please do get in touch and we will be happy to help. As the children become more confident and independent with this technology, they are able to use it to work together and support each other in all subjects of the curriculum. It really is rather useful!