Year 2

Year 2

Year 2 is a fantastic class! We are taught by Mrs Hackett and Mrs Cook Monday to Thursday and Mrs Day and Mrs Green on a Friday.
We are a very enthusiastic class and we are always keen to learn new skills through exciting topics and experiences. We always have lots of questions to ask and explore. We are very active and enjoy learning indoors and outdoors.
We all have important jobs and we take our responsibilities very seriously!

Year 2 Staff

Mrs P Green - Year 2

Mrs Green works as a Teaching Assistant in Year 2 supporting pupils.

Mrs A Hackett - Year 2

Amy Hackett Mrs Hackett went to Cardiff University and read music having played instruments and had singing lessons since the age of 4. After 10 years in East Yorkshire, Mrs Hackett had relocated here to be closer to her family. Her favourite things to do outside of work are to spend time with her boys […]

Miss E Cook, BA PGCE - Year 2

  I have worked in various classes at St Mary’s and thoroughly enjoy the exciting activities.  I really enjoy this challenge as it allows me to see how the children change and learn throughout the school. Outside of school, I enjoy snowboarding and yoga. My favourite snowboarding locations are Livigno and Meribel and I hope to […]

Latest News

Toasting forks and sausages

After our successful session, whittling our own toasting forks. We decided that we needed to test them out for effectiveness. Up in the woods we finally lit a fire, and happily toasted our sausages over the campfire. We only lost a few sausages to the fire, but luckily there were spares.


We had a fantastic time at Manchester airport visitor centre. You won’t believe all the fantastic things we got to see and do! We stood underneath the fastest passenger plane in the world, asking lots of brilliant questions. Then we pretended to be pilots and engineers on the flight deck of real plane and could […]

Follow us on Twitter

Here is another opportunity to follow the exciting world that is St Mary’s CE School. We are launching our twitter account this week. Why not follow everything we are doing!  

School Council Spend £2000

School Council have been debating this week about improvements to our school. We have agreed to spend £2000 on improving the infant play area.  We will be buying two new houses for the playground. School council will also be launching a competition to design a logo for the school council and take part in the South […]

Year two Class council

We had our first official class councilor meeting. The councilors and the class were asked to decide what to spend the last of our class budget on. The list was long but the children made a tally chart for the class to vote with. Fancy rubbers that didn’t break were at the top of the […]

Stick whittling.

We had a fantastic time up in the woods. We all learnt how to whittle a toasting fork from a stick. We used potato peelers to help us get rid of the bark and make the point sharp.

Natural decorations

We went up into the woods and using what we could we around us made some fantastic leaf wreaths and decorations for the trees.

Finding thirds of amounts

We have been learning about fractions. We found 1/4 and 1/3 of shapes and then used counters to help us to work out fractions of amounts.

Our marshmallow challenge

As a reward for reading at least three times each week, the year twos were given a marshmallow point. This then translated into real marshmallows at the campfire. We then had a real campfire up in the woods and had brilliant fun toasting our tower of marshmallows.

Our science day

The children were given a challenge to finish our  science topic on materials. They had to design and make a boat that floated on water and held six plastic people. They could choose from Lego, newspaper, wooden lolly sticks, straws and bubble wrap and then had to decide which material they thought would be the […]

Reading List

Famous Five Short Story Collection
By Enid Blyton

Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins
By Mairi Hedderwick

The Emperor’s Egg
By Martin Jenkins

The True Story of 3 Little Pigs
By A Wolf

Great Fire of London

Year 2 Calender Events

Year 2 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 2 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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