Year 2

Year 2

Year 2 is a fantastic class! We are taught by Mrs Hackett and Mrs Cook Monday to Thursday and Mrs Day and Mrs Green on a Friday.
We are a very enthusiastic class and we are always keen to learn new skills through exciting topics and experiences. We always have lots of questions to ask and explore. We are very active and enjoy learning indoors and outdoors.
We all have important jobs and we take our responsibilities very seriously!

Year 2 Staff

Mrs P Green - Year 2

Mrs Green works as a Teaching Assistant in Year 2 supporting pupils.

Mrs A Hackett - Year 2

Amy Hackett Mrs Hackett went to Cardiff University and read music having played instruments and had singing lessons since the age of 4. After 10 years in East Yorkshire, Mrs Hackett had relocated here to be closer to her family. Her favourite things to do outside of work are to spend time with her boys […]

Miss E Cook, BA PGCE - Year 2

  I have worked in various classes at St Mary’s and thoroughly enjoy the exciting activities.  I really enjoy this challenge as it allows me to see how the children change and learn throughout the school. Outside of school, I enjoy snowboarding and yoga. My favourite snowboarding locations are Livigno and Meribel and I hope to […]

Latest News

Fair Trade Coffee Afternoon

We have held another successful Fair Trade Afternoon, hosted by Mrs Neale in the Year 3 Class for all of our parents. During the afternoon children and volunteers served teas and coffee and also sold fairly traded goods from Tradecraft.  During the time we sold £91 of produce for Tradecraft and had a a great […]

Governor Day – Monitoring our School Improvement Plan

Governors have spent the day with children and staff monitoring the school improvement plan. Included in this, the governors also explored behaviour for learning, school values and breadth and balance in the curriculum. They also had an opportunity to meet with parents on the school yards in the morning.   Five of our Governors spent the […]

Coffee Meeting 3:15pm – 4:00pm Thurs 27th April

We are hosting a meeting in the music room where parents can meet with Mr Jones for a cup of coffee (or tea). This is a great opportunity to chat about school and the future plans for the school. Please go to the music room (in between reception and nursery).

School Gardening – RHS Award

Well done to everyone at St Mary’s School. We have begun our journey to improving our grounds with a superb gardening extravaganza.  The plants we have begun to plant our beginning to leaf or flower as spring has sprung. Congratulations to everyone as not only have we achieved RHS Level One Gardening Award but we […]

School Uniform

Mrs Smith and Miss Loy have decided on a new uniform for the staff!!!

Bird watching scientists

Some of the ‘Girl’s Science Club’ members have been enjoying identifying the birds that have moved in to the nest boxes around school. We put them up last week and they have been quickly resided in! Thank you to the parents that donated them; they will provide hours of entertainment! We look forward to watching […]

Science Week Success

Science Week 2017 has been a massive success; lots of learning and fun have been had by all! The opening ceremony was made spectacular  by the wonderful outfits the children wore. Being dressed as scientists and explorers really got them in the mood. Each class got a box of resources to introduce their topic for […]

Fairtrade Fortnight Big Brew

We have been celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight by holding a big brew, we made cups and coffees for our visitors and Year 6 pupils helped sell fairly traded products. In worship time we looked at the trade of cocoa and bananas and encouraged children to discuss issues  relating to fair trade with adults at home. Thank […]

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day by dressing in our pyjamas and onesies for a giant sleepover party, where we read bed time stories to each other. We also had a mass drawathon, where we drew our favourite story book characters. It was lovely to see all the children working together and we had a lovely […]

Exploring micro habitats

As part of our science topic on habitats, we decided to see what different habitats we could find up in the woods. We found a good variety of minibeasts, including slugs, worms, insect skeletons, centipedes and more. We sketched what we found in our new sketch books.

Reading List

Famous Five Short Story Collection
By Enid Blyton

Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins
By Mairi Hedderwick

The Emperor’s Egg
By Martin Jenkins

The True Story of 3 Little Pigs
By A Wolf

Great Fire of London

Year 2 Calender Events

Year 2 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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