Year 2

Year 2

Year 2 is a fantastic class! We are taught by Mrs Hackett and Mrs Cook Monday to Thursday and Mrs Day and Mrs Green on a Friday.
We are a very enthusiastic class and we are always keen to learn new skills through exciting topics and experiences. We always have lots of questions to ask and explore. We are very active and enjoy learning indoors and outdoors.
We all have important jobs and we take our responsibilities very seriously!

Year 2 Staff

Mrs P Green - Year 2

Mrs Green works as a Teaching Assistant in Year 2 supporting pupils.

Mrs A Hackett - Year 2

Amy Hackett Mrs Hackett went to Cardiff University and read music having played instruments and had singing lessons since the age of 4. After 10 years in East Yorkshire, Mrs Hackett had relocated here to be closer to her family. Her favourite things to do outside of work are to spend time with her boys […]

Miss E Cook, BA PGCE - Year 2

  I have worked in various classes at St Mary’s and thoroughly enjoy the exciting activities.  I really enjoy this challenge as it allows me to see how the children change and learn throughout the school. Outside of school, I enjoy snowboarding and yoga. My favourite snowboarding locations are Livigno and Meribel and I hope to […]

Latest News

Noah Initiative Visit

We are pleased to announce that we will have a visit from the founders of the Noah Initiative on March 13th to hear about the work they are doing in Kenya.  Mrs Neale recently went out to Kenya to visit the project and shared her experiences.

Snow fun

We had half an hour of snow fun this morning before returning to the normal timetable of lessons! What a super day for enjoying the snow at lunchtime.

Fairtrade Coffee and Tea Time

Please help us during Fairtrade fortnight with our Coffee time on Tuesday Feb 27th. Traidcraft products will be on sale and we have a catalogue if you want to order products in advance. Please join us at the end of the school day in Year 3 classroom. There will be Traidcraft products to buy  or come […]

Outdoor Learning Days 4th-5th Jan

Happy New Year On Thursday 4th and Friday 5th we are having two days of outdoor learning for the whole school. These are non uniform days and we hope our children will arrive in school equipped for any weather conditions.

Michaelmas Concert

Well done to all of our children who took part in the school concert at the end of term. We had a wonderful array of instruments played by a large amount of children from Year 2 to Year 6.  Our choir also sang two songs with superb harmonies.  Congratulations to all involved.


Jack and Daisy, our head boy and girl took part in the Remembrance service held at St Mary’s Church. Many thanks for their contribution to this very important service of remembrance.

Frosty Writing in Year 2

Year 2 have spent the morning writing some superb poems based on the frosty morning we have experienced this morning. What a lovely morning!  Some children were asked to share their writing with Mr Jones.

Kings Food Bank – Harvest Delivery

Our children have helped fill a Volvo estate full of food kindly donated by our children as part of our Harvest giving.  We are really trying to express our value of responsibility in as many practical ways as possible. This year we wanted to provide a bumper delivery of food although we support throughout the food bank […]

We have started school HOORAY!

We have welcomed our children to their new classes today and have got off to a superb start.  Welcome everyone!

Infant Sports Day

What a fantastic morning of sport with our EYFS and Infant children.  Thank you to everyone who came along to support and also help raise funds for Macmillan Care and the PTA.

Reading List

Famous Five Short Story Collection
By Enid Blyton

Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins
By Mairi Hedderwick

The Emperor’s Egg
By Martin Jenkins

The True Story of 3 Little Pigs
By A Wolf

Great Fire of London

Year 2 Calender Events

Year 2 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 2 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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