Year 2

Year 2

Year 2 is a fantastic class! We are taught by Mrs Hackett and Mrs Cook Monday to Thursday and Mrs Day and Mrs Green on a Friday.
We are a very enthusiastic class and we are always keen to learn new skills through exciting topics and experiences. We always have lots of questions to ask and explore. We are very active and enjoy learning indoors and outdoors.
We all have important jobs and we take our responsibilities very seriously!

Year 2 Staff

Mrs P Green - Year 2

Mrs Green works as a Teaching Assistant in Year 2 supporting pupils.

Mrs A Hackett - Year 2

Amy Hackett Mrs Hackett went to Cardiff University and read music having played instruments and had singing lessons since the age of 4. After 10 years in East Yorkshire, Mrs Hackett had relocated here to be closer to her family. Her favourite things to do outside of work are to spend time with her boys […]

Miss E Cook, BA PGCE - Year 2

  I have worked in various classes at St Mary’s and thoroughly enjoy the exciting activities.  I really enjoy this challenge as it allows me to see how the children change and learn throughout the school. Outside of school, I enjoy snowboarding and yoga. My favourite snowboarding locations are Livigno and Meribel and I hope to […]

Latest News

Great Fire of London

Our Year 2 children have been making replica houses for the Great Fire of London. The children went to the local fire station to recreate the fire and visit the station as well. What an amazing time they had watching their houses go up in smoke.    

Spelling Bee

Well done to everyone who took part in the Spelling Bee – there were some exceptional hard words by the end of the Spelling Bee.  

Geoff Somers Visit

On Monday 16th December, Years 2 and 5 were lucky enough to have a real life polar explorer come and chat to them about his time in the Antarctic.  This was an amazing experience for all the children who have been learning about Antarctica in Year 2 and Shackleton in Year 5, who has lived […]

Nativity and Carol Concert

Thank you to everyone who attended our nativity and carol concerts at St Mary’s Church this year. Once again, the children were fantastic with their singing and acting and really helped create a wonderful atmosphere. The video contains some (slightly blurry – low light and low cameraman skills to blame!) photos of all the classes […]

Elf Run 2019

We had an amazing, if slightly boggy, time raising money for St John’t Hospice with our second annual Elf Run. Everyone, from Nursery to Year 6 got their elf hats on and set off around our course with great enthusiasm. Whilst some socks and shoes may have been temporarily lost to the well placed boggy […]

New playground marking, road marking and parking areas

Thank you for your understanding whilst we prepared for improving the markings outside of school and on the playground.  You will now see that our lay by has been properly signposted to show it primarily as a drop off zone with four parking bays (see photos). Please do not park in the drop off zone […]

New Playground Markings

We are so excited to tell everyone that we have new playground markings at school. We know how excited the children are with their new playground. We are going to have some very active learners using these in lessons! Hurrah!

Children in Need

Please bring a donation of £1 for Children in Need and come in MUFTI on Friday 15th Nov.

Tim Farron Visits School

Today we have had a visit and question and answer time with Tim Farron who talked with our children today. We have been electing our School, Worship and Sports Councillors this week. It has been lovely to hear Tim’s responses and to hear about how passionate he is about the constituency he has represented.

European Languages Day

Each year we celebrate European Languages Day. Each class looks at a different country and explores the languages, culture and geography.  We have had a super time!  Many classes like to try and explore a new country, this year Belgium was the choice of Year 6.

Reading List

Famous Five Short Story Collection
By Enid Blyton

Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins
By Mairi Hedderwick

The Emperor’s Egg
By Martin Jenkins

The True Story of 3 Little Pigs
By A Wolf

Great Fire of London

Year 2 Calender Events

Year 2 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 2 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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