Year 2

Year 2

Year 2 is a fantastic class! We are taught by Mrs Hackett and Mrs Cook Monday to Thursday and Mrs Day and Mrs Green on a Friday.
We are a very enthusiastic class and we are always keen to learn new skills through exciting topics and experiences. We always have lots of questions to ask and explore. We are very active and enjoy learning indoors and outdoors.
We all have important jobs and we take our responsibilities very seriously!

Year 2 Staff

Mrs P Green - Year 2

Mrs Green works as a Teaching Assistant in Year 2 supporting pupils.

Mrs A Hackett - Year 2

Amy Hackett Mrs Hackett went to Cardiff University and read music having played instruments and had singing lessons since the age of 4. After 10 years in East Yorkshire, Mrs Hackett had relocated here to be closer to her family. Her favourite things to do outside of work are to spend time with her boys […]

Miss E Cook, BA PGCE - Year 2

  I have worked in various classes at St Mary’s and thoroughly enjoy the exciting activities.  I really enjoy this challenge as it allows me to see how the children change and learn throughout the school. Outside of school, I enjoy snowboarding and yoga. My favourite snowboarding locations are Livigno and Meribel and I hope to […]

Latest News

European Languages Day

Our children have had a wonderful day exploring different languages and countries. They have learned where countries are in the world. The languages spoken in that country as well as the capital cities.  They have explored activities to celebrate that country as well as dress up in the colours of the country. In school we […]

Comic Art Festival – Please Vote

Our children have been hard at work preparing for their contribution to the Comic Arts Festival. Mrs Day has been working on presenting the children’s work which is displayed at Highgate’s Vets in Kendal. Please go and have a look at the fantastic window display!  Very well done to our Year 1 children.  It would […]


Samuel Pepys buried a round of Parmesan so that it wouldn’t get burnt in the Great fire of London. We decided we needed to see what all the fuss was about and had some on our crackers. The whole class loved it and came back for seconds and thirds.

Sticks, sticks sticks!

We have been loving using our natural meter sticks to do maths with. We have been counting forwards and backwards in 2,5, and 10s, been measuring with them and even used them to work out the value of numbers.

Annual Review – Parents Information

We have published our annual review. This document provides a short review of the school year and our improvement priorities for the  school in the coming year. We have had a very exciting year and we look forward to another exciting time starting in September.  Please read through our review and share some of the […]

Hockey Fest

Have you been watching the Olympic Hockey? Maybe you have been inspired to go along and play or support our local players? Why not give Hockey a try?

Annual Review 2016

This document provides a review of our year for parents to reflect on what has been a fun and exciting year.  We hope you find the information in the review interesting. It is a very brief summary of the huge amount of learning experiences that have taken place this year. You can dowload this document […]


Yet another exciting day for Year 2! Yesterday,  Jo Gill, an ambassador for STEM,  held a science workshop to support our current topic on Electricity (no pun intended, honest!). To create their ‘jitterbugs’ the children had to make a complete circuit using a motor. It was very fiddly and required lots of patience but was worth the […]

Make a picnic at QES

Year 2 had a fabulous time making their own seaside picnic at QES last week. The 6th Formers (all Food Technology students) were great! Once the children had their plastic aprons on, they showed the children what to do, watching closely as they practised their cutting, slicing and grating skills. The resulting pizzas looked and […]

Athletics Winners

Recently we attended the local athletics tournament held at Casterton, Sedbergh Prep. We took a superb team and with our Year 6 children on their outdoor and adventurous residential, many children had to race  in different classes. For example, our Year 2 children raced in the Year 3 events etc. Impessively we had many individual […]

Reading List

Famous Five Short Story Collection
By Enid Blyton

Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins
By Mairi Hedderwick

The Emperor’s Egg
By Martin Jenkins

The True Story of 3 Little Pigs
By A Wolf

Great Fire of London

Year 2 Calender Events

Year 2 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 2 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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