Year 1

Year 1

Year 1 is an amazing year group.  Mrs Gaunt and Mrs Day are the class teachers and they are supported by Mrs Chapman, Mrs Burnett and Mrs Mason.

We continue to learn through play but also balance this with more structured time too.  We continue to explore, discover, invent, problem solve and discuss in our indoor and outdoor environment.  We have lots of fun topics to explore and we make learning exciting, creative, lively and relevant.  We thrive on learning together!

Year 1 Staff

Mrs N Gaunt - Year 1

Mrs Gaunt is our Y1 teacher and has joined school in Sept 2022. Mrs Gaunt has a lot of experience working in local schools and is Subject Lead for Science.

Mrs L Mason - Year 1

Mrs Mason Profile I have two children who both came to St Mary’s. I started as a parent helper over 10 years ago years ago when my oldest was in nursery and now work across the school supporting a number of children and staff!

Mrs J Chapman, NNEB - Year 1

I have been a teaching assistant at St Mary’s for 16 years, currently working in many different classes. For the last few years I have been learning sign language and now use it almost every day.  For several years I was joint leader of Kirkby Lonsdale Pre-school. In a past life I was a professional […]

Mrs A Day, BA (Hons) PGCE - Year 1

Mrs Day Profile I have been teaching for over twenty years, many of them at St Mary’s. I love teaching here as it’s a very special school with great children and staff. I have taught in most classes in the school but in all of them I love to read stories and to watch the […]

Latest News

Governors First Meeting

Our first Governors meeting took place recently beginning the year following a very successful year. The Governors have looked at our school Improvement Plan for the forthcoming year and are preparing for another productive year.

Home Learning Projects Day WOW!

From Year 1 coming into school as Superheroes, Year 2 designing transport and sharing their presentations, to culinary delights throughout the Juniors, the projects have been wonderful. In Year 6 we have seen Titanic models, films, and presentations. Year 5 have produced Egyptian wonders such as masks and pyramids.  Year 4 have travelled back into […]


  Congratulations to Freya and James who have become our new Head Boy and Head Girl. Congratulations to Beth and Marley who are now Deputy Head Girl and Boy also. All of the children who took part in the presentations were very confident, producing powerpoints, films and superb speeches. Well done!

Term has begun

We have had a lovely and positive start to the new academic year.  We are looking forward to welcoming our spring and summer born children in Reception over the next week.  A special welcome to children starting in the juniors who are new to our school.

School Starting Date

Term will start on the Tuesday 4th September. We look forward to welcoming our pupils at the start of the new term on Tuesday morning.  

Sports Day

Well done to all of our children who took part in sports day this week. The weather was good and the children really demonstrated our school values today.

Mrs Gladwinfield has arrived in Kenya

Mrs Gladwinfield will be spending the next four weeks in Kenya. She will be working in a primary school near Gilgil along with Mrs Highton. They have already been working in the school with classes of 60 children many of whom walk 10Km to attend the school.

Phonics Phun

Here in Year 1 we love phonics and use any opportunity to learn new sounds and words, this is preparing us for the Phonics screening check in June. The Phonics screening check is a compulsory assessment that all children in Year 1 in England must take. It is used to assess a students phonic decoding […]

Noah Initiative Visit

We are pleased to announce that we will have a visit from the founders of the Noah Initiative on March 13th to hear about the work they are doing in Kenya.  Mrs Neale recently went out to Kenya to visit the project and shared her experiences.

Snow fun

We had half an hour of snow fun this morning before returning to the normal timetable of lessons! What a super day for enjoying the snow at lunchtime.

Reading List

By Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet

The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

Year 1 Calender Events

Year 1 Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Year 1 Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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