Phonics and Phonics Screening

Read Write Inc Phonics

At St. Mary’s Primary School, we use Read Write Inc. Phonics which is a complete synthetic phonics programme for 3 to 6 year olds that are learning to read and write and any older children who need small group or 1:1 support.

This approach:

  • Allows children to decode fluently and comprehending quickly.  The children read a book three times during the week which allows them to gain accuracy, fluency and a good understanding of the text.
  • Includes fiction and non-fiction books matched to their phonic knowledge.
  • Sets high expectations for all children.  Assessments track every child’s progress and 1:1 tutoring is put into place if a child needs extra support.
  • Participation for all.  The style of teaching encourages all children to be fully involved and engaged for the whole of the session including partner practice or Fred in Your Head.  No child is left behind.

‘Phonics is fun. We are speedy at reading the review words and it helps us to read our reading books.’ Y1

‘I can’t believe how quickly my child is learning his sounds and he can even read words. The reading meeting helped me to understand how to support him.’ YR parent, Oct 2022

Our nursery children begin to learn the first Read Write Inc sounds and pictures in short, daily sessions.  The nursery children prioritise Fred Talk (blending sounds to make a word).

When pupils move into reception year, they continue to have phonics lessons daily and begin to read storybooks and non-fiction books that are closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge.  The pupils make rapid progress due to the groupings and lively and interactive sessions.  Throughout Reception and year 1, the children are assessed at the end of every half term and they are grouped according to the level they are working at.  This ensures that teaching is always focused precisely on what pupils need and the pace of learning is fast.  Tutoring is put into place if a child begins to struggle and accelerated progress is quickly made to help them to access their group phonics sessions.   The phonics teachers have regular coaching to refine their skills and each session is delivered by a skilled phonics teacher.

Here are some useful documents and websites to support phonics learning at home:

What is Read Write Inc Phonics?

Sound Pronounciation Support

Sound Blending Support

Ruth Miskin Parents’ Website has links to useful videos to show how you can support your child at home including how to teach a new sound and the handwriting phrases we use in school.

Ruth Miskin Facebook Site

Free EBooks including over 20 free Read Write Inc books. You just need to set up a free Oxford Owl account.

We also build on the Initial Read Write Inc. phonics and use Read Write Inc. Spelling throughout our school right up to Year 6.

Year 1 Phonics Assessments

Phonics Screening is a statutory assessment that takes place in primary schools.


In June, the Year 1 children will all be required to have their phonics knowledge assessed.  Through our daily Read Write Inc phonics sessions our children are well prepared to shine during this assessment.

Here’s a Parent Video to explain.

You may like to see examples of the assessments and support your child at home with sounds they need to learn.

The following video also highlights examples of previous children who have taken part in the assessments, highlighting the sounds and common errors.  Year 1 Video

Here’s a video to demonstrate how we say the sounds.

Here are the set 2 sounds.

Have a go at reading some of the alien words.  Alien words allow us to assess how well you know the sound.  If you can read the sound in an alien word, we know you can confidently read it in any simple word.

This may help in identifying sounds your child may find tricky and build confidence in the assessment.  The year 1 teachers will provide phonics resources used in school to help support your child to share their phonics learning at home.

Here are some resources to help:

Year 1 Phonics Practice

Here are some previous assessments:

Phonics 2014                Phonics 2012             Phonics 2013

Phonics screening mock test 1           Phonics screening mock test 2              Phonics screening mock test 3  Phonics screening mock test 4           Phonics screening mock test 5