

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Reception. In Reception, we are always busy; exploring our fantastic classroom, our outside areas and our wonderful woods. Learning is fun, practical and play based. We love learning new things, asking fantastic questions and having a give it a go attitude!

Lots of our learning takes place outside and we have a good balance between child directed play and adult initiated tasks.  Our curriculum was developed around our knowledge of child development, inspiring stories, our values, knowledge of our community, the statutory guidelines and our thirst to provide inspiring learning opportunities for all.

We follow the Read Write Inc scheme to help teach children to learn to read and write.  Gradually, we will guide you through each step of the phonics and reading scheme to help support every child to love reading.

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Wadsworth are the class teachers in Reception Class and they are supported by Mrs Chalmers, Mrs Rickart and Mr Watson.

Please see our EYFS Page for essential documents and information. 

Reception Staff

Miss J Broome BA (Hons) QTS MA - Reception

Miss Broome is our Y4 teacher along with Mrs Arnold and teaches in Reception Class.

Mrs D Rickart BSc. Dip SpLD - Reception

Mrs Rickart Profile Mrs Rickart is a highly experienced practitioner with working in a range of settings. She he also has a specialism in Speech and Language and SEND and supports our children with Speech and Language difficulties.

Mrs C Chalmers - Reception

Mrs Chalmers Profile I’ve worked in St Mary’s Early Years for the last eleven years and I still love coming to work! I enjoy the challenges that the younger children bring – every day is different! I love seeing the progression throughout the school, especially as I work with most of the children when they […]

Mrs K Jamieson, BA QTS - Reception

Mrs Jamieson Profile I have two young children so when I am not at school I enjoy swimming, biking, going to the beach, reading lots of stories and watching Strictly Come Dancing! As a family, we enjoy listening to and playing music (some tuneful and some not!) as well as going to the cinema and […]

Latest News

Fairtrade Fortnight Big Brew

We have been celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight by holding a big brew, we made cups and coffees for our visitors and Year 6 pupils helped sell fairly traded products. In worship time we looked at the trade of cocoa and bananas and encouraged children to discuss issues  relating to fair trade with adults at home. Thank […]

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day by dressing in our pyjamas and onesies for a giant sleepover party, where we read bed time stories to each other. We also had a mass drawathon, where we drew our favourite story book characters. It was lovely to see all the children working together and we had a lovely […]

Early Years Forest Schools

In Nursery and Reception we have been working together in groups to build dens. The children had to work out how to fix the tarpaulins to the trees, they had to think about how to make the floor comfortable and finally they tried to make sure there were not any holes in their dens. The […]

Follow us on Twitter

Here is another opportunity to follow the exciting world that is St Mary’s CE School. We are launching our twitter account this week. Why not follow everything we are doing!  

School Council Spend £2000

School Council have been debating this week about improvements to our school. We have agreed to spend £2000 on improving the infant play area.  We will be buying two new houses for the playground. School council will also be launching a competition to design a logo for the school council and take part in the South […]

Look out, look out, Jack Frost is about!

Our first Spring topic is Winter so we’ve been out in the frost and rain looking for signs of Winter. We found ice, evergreens, bare trees, brown leaves, frost, umbrellas, lots of woolly hats, berries and pinecones. We are keeping a look out for a robin and keeping our fingers crossed for some snow soon! […]

A Miracle in Town

In church, we retold the story of the first Christmas. We enjoyed singing, dancing, acting and making everyone smile!

Apple Crumble

We harvested our own apples and then used them to make apple crumble. There was lots of crumbing, chopping, peeling and finally eating!


We’ve enjoyed spotting signs of Autumn. We’ve been catching Autumn leaves and naming them; sorting them; using the leaves to make patterns; using Autumn colours to inspire our art work and reading Percy Park Keeper stories.

Revolting Recipes

This week has been Book Week and we’ve been reading and watching Roald Dahl texts. We looked at his book of revolting recipes. We also made our own revolting recipes – some we could eating such as our jelly concoctions but some we definately couldn’t eat! We gave good instructions to make them e.g. sprinkle […]

Reading List

We’re Going on a Lion Hunt
By David Axtell

The Naughty Bus
By Jan Oke

The Train Ride
By June Crebbin and Stephen Lambert

Jolly Christmas Postman
By Janet and Allan Ahlberg

Reception Calender Events

Reception Curriculum

Click here to view online or download Reception Curriculum

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Year Groups



Nursery and Reception make up the Foundation Stage

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Year 1


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Year 2


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Year 3


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Year 4


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Year 5


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Year 6


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