Staff Governor

Governor - Jessica Broome BA (Hons) QTS MA

Jessica Broome BA (Hons) QTS MA

I studied at the University of Cumbria, where I graduated with a First Class degree in Primary Education. As part of this, I did my first teaching placement at St Mary’s in the Reception class which was back in 2016. Since then, I have worked in various schools in Cumbria and Lancashire, as well as completed a Masters in Outdoor and Experiential Learning. I am Subject Lead for Geography which I hold an A Level in and was one of my favourite subjects at school. I am now also a Staff Governor.

I absolutely love working at St Mary’s because it is such a happy place to be. I am also passionate about supporting and empowering pupils with dyslexia. When I’m not at work, I can be found spending time with my family and friends, drawing, painting, getting stuck into a good book, going on walks and playing tennis.

