
Admission Policies


The following policy is currently under consultation due to an amendment. If you would like to comment please get in touch via:

This video was developed in lockdown when we were unable to invite parents and families into school. We hope that perhaps, you might still find it helpful in providing a snapshot of our school.

If you would like a member of staff to discuss our admissions process with you please contact Mrs C Billington in our school office.  We look forward to hearing from you. If you require a meeting with one of our senior staff please call to make an appointment. Policy Documents are at the end of the page.

Applying for Nursery – Please request a form directly from school via

Applying for Reception Class – Please apply via your home, local authority admissions team. If you have missed the deadline, please contact


North Yorkshire:


In Year Admission If you are applying for an in year admission please go to the following website and contact school.

Oversubscription Criteria: Applicants are ranked in accordance with our Admissions Policy. Where provision cannot be made and places refused the Local Authority Appeals Procedure applies.

Catchment Map

Catchment Map

Catchment map

Mr B Jones – Headteacher
