Happy New Year – we are ready!

Happy New Year to all!

We hope that everyone has had a great two weeks and look forward to a good catch up this week.

This term our topic is called ‘Field To Fork’ and we will look at the whole process of farming. This half – term we will concentrate on the history of farming and then follow on with more geographical based work. There is a farm trip planned for March and we are hoping to have visitors come in and talk to us about farming through the ages in our locality, (please let me know if you have any contacts for this!).

In Science we are looking at lifecycles in animals as well as growth and changes in humans. There will be a letter coming home explaining more about the content of some lessons and the visit from the school nurse on Monday 18th January.

Our class novel for the next few weeks is ‘Farm Boy’ by Michael Morpurgo. Mrs Thomas, as part of her professional development,  will be leading more lessons as the term progresses.

Please ensure that PE kit is in school and is fully equipped for winter weather!!

This term is jammed packed with exciting things for everyone – so let the fun begin!