Science Fortnight!

Reception enjoyed Science week so much we extended it for another week. We had visits from the vet, Mrs Smith’s rabbits and Miss Robinson’s parrot. We made or role play area into a vets and then wrote instructions how to care for pets. We made them into a book and shared them with Y5. We found out how to make cheese from Jessica’s Mum, Lucy’s Dad told us all about milking sheep (we even got to taste it!) and Evie’s Dad brought in lots of seeds for us to plant (even some magic beans. Will they grow into a beanstalk with a giant at he top?)

Our garden open morning for parents and grandparents was amazing! Olly’s Mum brought in sunflower seeds for us to plant. The parents helped us dig over the flower beds and weed the sensory garden. We painted a pebble path and planted grass heads and grass caterpillars. The digging was so much fun and the parents deserved their thank you cakes!