Amazing Camping Trip!

Once again, the children at St Mary’s have amazed us all with their determination, hard work and resilience.

Year 5 and 6 children have completed an impressive expedition to stay overnight at Box Tree Farm in Wennington.  Although our start was slightly delayed by Mrs Smith’s horsebox malfunction, we set off on Tuesday morning and explored the areas around our route.  We passed through High Casterton, Whoop Hall, Overtown, Burton-in-Lonsdale and finished in Wennington at 5pm.  The children had already planned their evening meal and helped prepare their food for cooking – although there were definitely a few cases of eyes being bigger than stomachs!

After eating a lot of food and sweets (thanks for opening the shop Alfie!) and playing for several hours on the park, bed time came and went with a few children even getting some sleep… Needless to say, the combination of sweets, spinning rides and the excitement of the evening did take its toll on a couple of people!

After a restful few hours, it was time for breakfast, making packed lunches for the day, packing and clearing the pods and then beginning the return journey to school. Amazingly, everyone was in very high spirits and the return journey was completed in even less time than the day before.

We are incredibly proud of the positive, supportive attitude they all showed on the trip which has set us up perfectly for the rest of the year.